Archive for Management and Workflow Topic

Checklist for Better Forms

Forms can be painless or painful for visitors. Keep in mind that visitors want to get their tasks accomplished as quickly as possible, and with the least amount of effort. Proper planning and design can maximize task efficiency.

Identify the Target Audience Goals

A visitor doesn’t drop in on a web site simply because it’s cool, or looks attractive, or has terrific navigation. Instead, a visitor hopes the site will help him or her to accomplish a goal.

Identify the Target Audience

Let us not forget the most important stakeholder of all, our potential visitors. All communication events, whether in print, on television, or on the web, should be aimed at a target audience.

Design Checklist

The following checklist serves to summarize the major points and to help you ensure you’ve done all you should before finalizing any web site you are creating.

7 Steps Before You Begin Any Web Site

Before you begin any Web site, you must first have a good understanding of the project as a whole, as well as all the different steps or phases that you will move through during the Web-development process.